App - Synch Off For All Items

Faults and Technical chat for the Renault Scenic Electric
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Post by Peregrine »

I have connected my Scenic to the MyRenault App and it has been partially successful in that the VIN and the contracts are showing and I registered for the Orange dataplan through the App. But it does not display or allow me to interact with car (e.g. I can't see state of charge and don't have a button for preconditioning).

I have been right round the loop of deleting, factory resetting and re-registering which all seemed to happen as expected.

But still no interaction with car. The app screen looks like this:


The only oddity I can find in the set up is under the MyRenault tab within Profiles within Settings. Here the car is reporting that "synch is off for all items" and I wonder if this is the problem:


Would someone whose App is working correctly please check their car to see what it is saying in the space please?

I would be glad of any suggestions, I have tried everything I can think of to get the App to interact with the car.

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Post by TheBriggie »

Did you follow this procedure when you did the reset?

- Delete the vehicle from the MY Renault app (this option should be under 'Add my vehicle')

- Delete the MY Renault app from your phone

- Perform a Factory Reset to the OpenR Link (multimedia device) in your vehicle as per:

On the main menu select the car symbol in the top left hand corner > then click on 'Settings' > 'System' > 'Reset Options' > 'Restore Factory Settings' > 'Reset'

Note: Please start the vehicle and make sure you are in a area with good network connectivity

- The multimedia system will then ask you to select the language, accept the data/location sharing and log into your MY Renault account

- Then please log into the Google Account (if asked) and, lastly, select 'finish setup for now'

- Once the OpenR Link setup is finished, please reinstall the MY Renault app and add the vehicle (if necessary)
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Post by Peregrine »

Thank you for replying. Yes I diligently followed these excellent instructions. In fact have done it twice. When I first set up the car I took care to add the car from the the car rather than the app and it connected fine initially. The car is showing in the app (the VIN is visible and I was able to activate the Orange dataplan through the App). But there aren't any "live" data transferring between the app and the car (e.g. battery percentage, preconditioning button). I've tried everything I can think off and am currently baffled!

Would you mind checking in your car under Profile, MyRenault, if you have the message "synch off for all items"?
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Post by TheBriggie »

Yes I do have the same message. I will send you screenshot. If your phone synchronised with the car, wifi, hotspot etc.? and all privacy settings etc. accepted





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Post by Peregrine »

I've accepted all the privacy settings and triple checked all the various permissions. The Orange data plan is active, the VIN is showing in the app, the contracts are showing in the app, Android Auto is connected and is working, I can make and receive phonecalls. I can send Google maps routes to the car from my phone. You mentioned Hotspot. I can't get connected to the Renault Hotspot (I don't know what is for), do you think this is necessary? Strangely the car says that it has no internet access when it is connected to my phone hotspot, I don't know why. But I can't see why either of these oddities should stop the car connecting and exchanging data with the server not the server connecting and exchanging data with the app on my phone. I'm puzzled.

I have WhatsApp'd Renault for help but don't hold out much hope fora speedy or helpful response.
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Post by TheBriggie »

Under network/connectivity are you seeing this? Just out of interest have you got another device (tablet for example) you can load the app and log in? Also there is another app (kelec) you could use for test purposes to see if that shows battery %, Preheating options to confirm data availability to start with...



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Post by Peregrine »

These are my screenshots are here. Does this look right?



My "subscription for app usage" is showing as "activated", the status changed to "activated" after I signed up for the free Orange data.

I've learned, on a Facebook forum, that there are 2 servers which Renault use for the App. One is "Gigya" which handles the static data such as car details, contracts etc. The other is "Kamereon" which handles the dynamic data such as charge status, HVAC actions etc. It looks like I have been connected to Gigya ok but not to Kamereon.

I've just done the whole factory reset loop again. Again it connected fine, no errors, but the same result in terms of VIN and Contracts visible but no live data from the car.

I've been promised contact from Renault.
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Post by TheBriggie »

Yip, all looks fine. As stated you could try Kalec to confirm you are not data connected to all the Renault data.
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Post by Peregrine »

I will try another device this evening.

Regarding Kelec!:


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Post by TheBriggie »

That's interesting as my Kelec is fine. It may point to a server connection issue as you stated earlier and not the app itself
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